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August 15, 2012

Celebrating Helen Gurley Brown

Posted by tom

Helen Gurley Brown was witty and smart. She was known for writing some of the sexiest headlines in magazine publishing. But while she loved talking about sex, she also was committed to empowering women in the boardroom as well as the bedroom. Here are 10 of her quotes worth discussing over cocktails or a glass of wine.

1. “Good girls go to heaven, bad girls go everywhere.” 

2. “Never fail to know that if you are doing all the talking, you are boring somebody.”

3. “What you have to do is work with the raw material you have, namely you, and never let up.”

4. “Money, if it does not bring you happiness, will at least help you be miserable in comfort.

5. “Nearly every glamorous, wealthy, successful career woman you might envy now started out as some kind of schlep”

6. "Beauty can't amuse you, but brainwork - reading, writing, thinking - can."

7. "Don't use men to get what you want in life. Get it for yourself."

8. "Feeling insecure is good for you. It forces you to do something better, use all your talents."

9. "Marry a decent, good, kind person who will cherish you."

10. "One of the paramount reasons for staying attractive is so you can have somebody to go to bed with."