2012 Christian Small Publisher Book of the Year Award
Christian Awards
2012 Christian Small Publisher Book of the Year Award

Christian Small Publishers Association (CSPA) has announced the winning titles for the 2012 Christian Small Publisher Book of the Year Award. Christian Small Publisher Book of the Year Award honors books produced by small publishers each year for outstanding contribution to Christian life. Book lovers and retailers selling Christian products voted on the nominated titles in each of 12 categories.
For more information, visit http://www.christianbookaward.com
2012 Winners
YAHSHUA'S BRIDGE by Sandi Rog (DeWard Publishing Company)
HEARTS COMMUNION by Marianne Evans (White Rose Publishing)
Christian Living
WALKING IN BROKEN SHOES by Susan Magnuson Walsh (Grace Acres Press)
Bible Study / Theology
THE DISCIPLE WHOM JESUS LOVED by J. Phillips (TheDiscipleWhomJesusLoved.com)
JUST HONOR GOD by Dr. Rick Metrick (ShadeTree Publishing)
MR. AWANA by Art Rorheim (Grace Acres Press)
Relationships / Family
DELIVER ME: Help, Hope, & Healing through True Stories of Unplanned Pregnancy BY Dianne E. Butts (Connections Press)
Children's (age 4 to 8)
TODAY I FOUND GOD written by Greg Long;illustrated by Nathan Wondrak (Halo Publishing International)
Children's (age 8 to 12)
WHAT DO HEROES WEAR? written by Gary Bower;illustrated by Jan Bower (Storybook Meadow Publishing)
Young Adult (age 12+)
PURITY'S BIG PAYOFF / PREMARITAL SEX IS A BIG RIP-OFF edited by Donna Lee Schillinger (The Quilldriver)
Gift Book
A SECOND CUP OF HOT APPLE CIDER edited by N.J. Lindquist & Wendy E. Nelles (That's Life! Communication)
eBook Exclusive
KEYBOARDING FOR THE CHRISTIAN SCHOOL, Elementary Edition by Leanne Beitel (Christian Keyboarding)