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This is exciting news for mystery fans, along with fans of the prolific writer Max Allan Collins. The five early Quarry novels by Collins will be re-released with gorgeous Robert McGinnis pulp covers between now and March by Hard Case Crime.

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Fans of the late Michael Crichton are getting an unexpected treat this holiday season with the publication of his early mystery and suspense novels for the first time under his real name. These eight books were written as “John Lange” between 1966 and 1972 when Crichton was an honors student at Harvard Medical School.

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It was a real-life mystery that could have been a film noir. Between 1966 and 1972, a writer by the name of John Lange published eight paperback suspense novels. These were the kind of books with racy and sexy covers once found in drug stores, airports and bus stations. One of them even got nominated for an Edgar Award in 1971.

Then John Lange just disappeared, apparently vanishing right off the face of the earth. His books soon followed and fell out of print for decades, perhaps showing up now and then in a garage sale or used bookstore.

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