Jane T. Krebs
Jane T. Krebs
Jane T. Krebs' day job for 30 years was teaching secondary English and studying with many, many students at Carlisle High School in Carlisle, PA. Now retired, she enjoys reading and discussing a wide range of genres and topics with two book clubs. She also swaps writing every month with a lively group that began in 1986 at the Capital Area Writing Project at PSU, Harrisburg.
Jane and her husband, Harry, are lucky to have a wonderfully large and diverse family, and she loves spending time traveling, walking and laughing with them. For one of her hobbies, Jane creates kind2nature non-paper towels, which are artistic, useful and eco-friendly!
Jane has been reading books for Bookreporter.com for over a decade, and she still loves the pleasure of hitting the "send" button with a review for Tom Donadio.
Jane T. Krebs