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May 25, 2007

Survey Expired: June 8, 2007
Total Voters: 442

Do you listen to audiobooks or read during your commute?

49.3% - (218 Votes) I listen to books in the car.

22.8% - (101 Votes) I do not listen to audiobooks or read on my commute.

16.5% - (73 Votes) I read books while traveling on mass transit or in a carpool.

11.3% - (50 Votes) I wish I could do this.

Have you ever missed your subway, bus or train stop, or sat in the car finishing a part of an audiobook on your way to work?

50% - (221 Votes) I have sat in the car finishing a part of an audiobook.

35.9% - (159 Votes) I have not done this.

10.1% - (45 Votes) I do not read or listen to books on my commute.

3.8% - (17 Votes) I have missed my subway, bus or train stop.