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May 1, 2009: Which female writer or character does/did your mom most remind you of?

Survey Expired: May 15, 2009
Total Voters: 278

Which female writer or character does/did your mom most remind you of? Check as many as apply.

33.1% - (106 Votes) None of the above.

15.6% - (50 Votes) Erma Bombeck

15.6% - (50 Votes) Ma Ingalls (Little House series by Laura Ingalls Wilder)

8.4% - (27 Votes) Margaret "Marmee" March (LITTLE WOMEN by Louisa May Alcott)

7.1% - (23 Votes) Mrs. Weasley (Harry Potter series by J.K. Rowling)

5.9% - (19 Votes) Martha Stewart

3.7% - (12 Votes) Anna Quindlen

2.5% - (8 Votes) Jackie Collins

2.1% - (7 Votes) Jenny Fields (THE WORLD ACCORDING TO GARP by John Irving)

2.1% - (7 Votes) Miss Julia (Miss Julia series by Ann B. Ross)

1.2% - (4 Votes) Nora Ephron

0.9% - (3 Votes) Amy Sedaris

0.6% - (2 Votes) Candace Bushnell

0.6% - (2 Votes) Joan Didion

0% - (0 Votes) Ayelet Waldman