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Poll Results

Do you look at blurbs (brief quotes from authors and influencers) when considering buying or reading a book? Please check all that apply.

Survey expires 02/28/25
Total voters: 489

Do you look at blurbs (brief quotes from authors and influencers) when considering buying or reading a book? Please check all that apply.

 18% (89 votes)I always look at blurbs to determine whether or not to buy a book.
 24% (118 votes)I sometimes look at blurbs to determine whether or not to buy a book.
 22% (110 votes)I do not look at blurbs to determine whether or not to buy a book.
 17% (85 votes)I always look at blurbs to determine whether or not to read a book.
 29% (140 votes)I sometimes look at blurbs to determine whether or not to read a book.
 35% (172 votes)I do not look at blurbs to determine whether or not to read a book.
 2% (9 votes)I am not sure how I feel.