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Author News & Interviews

Author Talk: Jean Thompson, author of A Cloud in the Shape of a Girl

Oct 24, 2018

Jean Thompson’s latest novel, A CLOUD IN THE SHAPE OF A GIRL, is a moving family saga about three generations of women who struggle to find freedom and happiness in their small Midwestern college town. In this interview, Thompson explains why she named the three sections of her book “Lilacs,” “Sacrifice” and “The Girl of My Dreams”; talks about her decision to set the novel in a university town, and the role that the university played in the characters’ development and relationships with the town; reveals which of her three female protagonists she feels she knows best; and attempts to answer what she calls “[a] question for the ages.”

Author Talk: Eileen Brady, author of Penned: A Kate Turner, DVM, Mystery

Oct 24, 2018

PENNED is the fourth book in Eileen Brady’s mystery series starring veterinarian Kate Turner, the first installment of which, MUZZLED, won the 2013 Discover Mystery Award. In this interview, Brady explains why she decided to use the infamous Robert Fisher case from 2001 as the jumping-off point for this latest story; talks about her 20-year stint as a practicing veterinarian, including some of her favorite patients; and shares the most important lesson she has learned about writing mysteries that she wishes she had known in the early stages of her career.

Author Talk: Reavis Z. Wortham, author of Gold Dust: A Red River Mystery

Sep 26, 2018

Reavis Z. Wortham is the critically acclaimed author of the Red River Mysteries, which takes place in rural Northeast Texas in the 1960s, and a contemporary thriller series featuring Texas Ranger Sonny Hawke. In this interview, Wortham discusses the research he conducted for GOLD DUST, the seventh and latest Red River mystery; why he expanded the setting of the current storyline from Lamar County, Texas, to Washington, D.C.; the crime fiction authors who have influenced him the most; and his decision to alternate viewpoints from the third person to the first person for the chapters that revolve around Constable Ned Parker’s grandson, Top.

Author Talk: Warren C. Easley, author of Moving Targets: A Cal Claxton Oregon Mystery

Sep 19, 2018

When a young woman walks into Caffeine Central, Cal Claxton's law office in downtown Portland, he has no idea that agreeing to help her will turn his life upside down. That’s the intriguing premise of MOVING TARGETS, the sixth installment in Warren C. Easley’s mystery series starring the former Los Angeles prosecutor turned small-town lawyer. In this interview, Easley talks about his approach to using topical themes in his fiction, his decision to make Oregon an essential element in the series (a main character, if you will), the most important thing he’s learned about writing crime novels, and his reaction to his fifth book, BLOOD FOR WINE, being nominated for the prestigious Nero Award.

Interview: Stuart Turton, author of The 7½ Deaths of Evelyn Hardcastle

Sep 18, 2018

THE 7½ DEATHS OF EVELYN HARDCASTLE, freelance journalist Stuart Turton’s debut novel, reads like a retelling of Groundhog Day as told by Agatha Christie --- with a hint of science fiction. In this interview conducted by’s Rebecca Munro, Turton discusses how the premise of this unique thriller came about and took shape, why he chose a rotting manor for the story’s setting, the characters he enjoyed writing the most (and the least), and the reason for the title change in the US (the book released in the UK as THE 7 DEATHS OF EVELYN HARDCASTLE).