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Author News & Interviews

Interview: Gail Tsukiyama, author of The Language of Threads

Sep 8, 1999

September 8, 1999

TBR Senior Writer Jana Siciliano and Dana Schwartz are loyal fans of Gail Tsukiyama's engaging fiction so it was easy for them to come up with questions for the author about her book, THE LANGUAGE OF THREADS. In this book, Tsukiyama revisits her beloved Pei from WOMEN OF THE SILK. Find out what happens to Pei, Tsukiyama's inspirations, her favorite writers, the feedback from her Asian audience, what book has most of a chance to become a movie, and much more in this interview.

Interview: Nicholas Sparks, author of Message in a Bottle

Feb 1, 1999

Ahh's almost Valentine's Day and everyone is getting geared up to impress the love of their life. We at TBR have a suggestion for the ultimate romantic experience --- read a book and go to a movie...preferably the same one. Anyone looking for a love story this Valentine's Day can't go wrong with Nicholas Sparks' book, MESSAGE IN A BOTTLE, which is also a movie starring Kevin Costner, Robin Wright-Penn and Paul Newman. TBR was lucky enough to catch up with Nicholas right in the middle of his whirlwind tour.

Interview: Nicholas Sparks, author of Message in a Bottle

Apr 28, 1998

On April 28, 1998, Nicholas Sparks, bestselling author of THE NOTEBOOK and MESSAGE IN A BOTTLE, joined us to discuss life, love, and his work. Our interviewers were Jennifer Levitsky and Niloufar Motamed. Our host was MarleneT.

Marlene T: Jennifer Levitsky of THE BOOK REPORT will be interviewing Nicholas Sparks tonight. Good evening Jen and Mr. Sparks, welcome!

N Sparks: Hello everybody!

Interview: Jonathan Kellerman, author of Survival of the Fittest

Nov 24, 1997

November 24, 1997

On November 24, 1997, THE BOOK REPORT welcomed bestselling psychological thriller writer Jonathan Kellerman to discuss his new book, SURVIVAL OF THE FITTEST. In our brief time together, we managed to cover topics ranging from guitar playing to American perceptions of Israel. Interested? Read on for more about a thoughtful and intelligent writer. Our interviewer was Jennifer Levitsky (BookpgJL) and our host was MarleneT.

Interview: Brad Meltzer, author of The Tenth Justice

Jul 9, 1997

July 9, 1997

On July 9, 1997, TBR welcomed Brad Meltzer, whose first novel, THE TENTH JUSTICE, was just published. Our interviewer was Jesse Kornbluth (BookpgJK), editor of The Book Report. Our online host was BookpgXena.