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Author News & Interviews

Author Talk: Gillian Flynn, author of Gone Girl

Jul 6, 2012

People often ask me if I have a writing routine. The answer is: kind of.

Let me start with this caveat. I am not the world’s fastest writer. When I started GONE GIRL, I was not pregnant. Then I was. Then I had a son. Then the son became a toddler. As it turns out, 16-month-olds do not understand the phrase: “Mother is not to be disturbed while she channels her muse, my sweet.” I couldn’t write anywhere around the house anymore. I needed a lair.

Author Talk: Gillian Flynn, author of Gone Girl

Jul 6, 2012

I was not a nice little girl. My favorite summertime hobby was stunning ants and feeding them to spiders. My preferred indoor diversion was a game called Mean Aunt Rosie, in which I pretended to be a witchy caregiver and my cousins tried to escape me. Our most basic prop was one of those pink, plastic toy phones most little girls owned in the ’80s. (Pretty girls love to talk on the phone!) Alas, it was always snatched from their fingers before they could call for help. (Mwahaha) In downtime, I also enjoyed watching soft-core porn on scrambled cable channels. (Boob, bottom, static, static, boob!) And if one of my dolls started getting an attitude, I’d cut off her hair.

Author Talk: Joanna Brady, author of The Woman at the Light

Jul 5, 2012

Joanna Brady is a food writer at the Key West citizen. Here, she talks about what made her decide to write her historical novel, THE WOMAN AT THE LIGHT. She also discusses her main character, Emily Lowry and the issue of interracial couples within that time period.

Author Talk: Davis Bunn, author of Rare Earth

Jul 3, 2012

Undercover agent Marc Royce is back on assignment in RARE EARTH, Davis Bunn's latest suspense novel. As war breaks out in Kenya over valuable land, how far will Royce go to bring peace? In this interview, Bunn talks about his attraction to spiritual fiction, the role of the missionary church in today's world, and the difficult balance achieved in creating good faith-based fiction.