Jan 12, 2012
Some thoughts on
“The Unwritten Rules of the Legal Thriller”
by William Landay
I have been asked for a few words from on high about “the unwritten rules of the legal thriller.” I would be delighted to boil down these rules to a few pithy, authoritative commandments and deliver them in a handy numbered list, like Moses or Tyler Durden. It would be helpful to have the damn things spelled out, finally. But honestly I can think of only one rule for the legal thriller, which is that there are no rules for the legal thriller. There are also no rules for the non-legal thriller, the non-thriller, or any other type of novel. It sounds pedantic, but it’s true: “rules” in this context is an optimist’s word for clichés. If a writer hears of such a “rule,” he should break it right away. It’s the only way to produce original, surprising work. Readers, after all, know the “rules” too.