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Megan Abbott, author of Give Me Your Hand

Kit Owens harbored only modest ambitions for herself when the mysterious Diane Fleming appeared in her high school chemistry class. But Diane's academic brilliance lit a fire in Kit, and the two developed an unlikely friendship. Until Diane shared a secret that changed everything between them. More than a decade later, Kit thinks she's put Diane behind her forever and she's begun to fulfill the scientific dreams Diane awakened in her.

Week of July 1, 2019

Paperback releases for the week of July 1st include ONCE UPON A RIVER by Diane Setterfield, a richly imagined novel about the wrenching disappearance of three little girls and the wide-reaching effect it has on their small town; WHAT TO READ AND WHY, the follow-up to Francine Prose's READING LIKE A WRITER, in which the distinguished novelist, literary critic and essayist celebrates the pleasures of reading and pays homage to the works and writers she admires above all others; THE ROMANOV EMPRESS, C. W. Gortner's dramatic novel of the beloved Empress Maria, the Danish princess who became the mother of the last Russian tsar; and GIVE ME YOUR HAND, a psychological thriller from Megan Abbott in which a life-changing secret destroys an unlikely friendship.