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Taffy Brodesser-Akner, author of Fleishman Is in Trouble

Toby Fleishman thought he knew what to expect when he and his wife of almost 15 years separated. He could not have predicted that one day, in the middle of his summer of sexual emancipation, Rachel would just drop their two children off at his place and simply not return. As Toby tries to figure out where Rachel went, all while juggling his patients at the hospital, his never-ending parental duties, and his new app-assisted sexual popularity, his tidy narrative of the spurned husband with the too-ambitious wife is his sole consolation. Reviewers Pick Their Favorite Books of 2019

Recently we asked our reviewers to provide us with a list of some of their favorite books from 2019. Included is a mix of fiction and nonfiction titles, all published this year. Take a moment to read these varied lists of titles and see if you agree with any of their selections! Please note that due to personal and professional commitments, some reviewers were not able to participate in this feature.