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Did you get an eReader over the holidays, or did you already have one? Please check as many as apply.

Survey expired 01/19/12
Total voters: 761


 19% (141 votes)Yes, I received a Kindle.
 8% (58 votes)Yes, I received a Nook.
 5% (39 votes)Yes, I received an iPad.
 3% (23 votes)Yes, I received another eReader device.
 15% (115 votes)I already had an iPad.
 14% (110 votes)I already had a Nook.
 28% (216 votes)I already had a Kindle.
 5% (37 votes)I already had another eReader device.
 5% (35 votes)I am thinking about getting an eReader.
 15% (111 votes)I have no interest in getting an eReader.
 6% (49 votes)I am not sure how I feel about eReaders.

If you did receive an eReader for the holidays, what did you do with it?

 53% (400 votes)I started downloading books immediately!
 8% (59 votes)I played around with it, but have not downloaded any books yet.
 1% (7 votes)I opened it but haven't used it yet.
 2% (19 votes)It's still sitting in the box.
 1% (7 votes)I re-gifted it.
 26% (196 votes)I already had an eReader.
 10% (73 votes)I do not have an eReader.