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If you get a book for free in a contest, giveaway or other program (not from a library), how long does it typically take you to start reading it?

Survey expired 10/19/18
Total voters: 460

If you get a physical copy of a book for free in a contest, giveaway or other program (not from a library), how long does it typically take you to start reading it?

 16% (72 votes)Immediately
 29% (133 votes)Within two weeks
 17% (77 votes)Within a month
 7% (32 votes)Longer than a month
 19% (89 votes)I am not sure exactly when I will start reading it.
 12% (57 votes)I do not get books this way.

If you get a digital download of a book for free in a contest, giveaway or other program (not from a library), how long does it typically take you to start reading it?

 9% (41 votes)Immediately
 20% (90 votes)Within two weeks
 8% (38 votes)Within a month
 5% (25 votes)Longer than a month
 16% (72 votes)I am not sure exactly when I will start reading it.
 42% (194 votes)I do not get books this way.