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Which of the following types of books are you planning to give as gifts for the holidays? Please check all that apply.

Survey expired 12/04/15
Total voters: 306

Which of the following types of books are you planning to give as gifts for the holidays? Please check all that apply.

 66% (203 votes)Fiction
 44% (136 votes)Nonfiction
 48% (147 votes)Children’s/teen books
 7% (21 votes)Classics
 7% (22 votes)Holiday-themed books
 29% (88 votes)Cookbooks
 5% (15 votes)Gift books
 4% (13 votes)Coffee table books
 30% (91 votes)Coloring books
 5% (15 votes)None of the above
 6% (17 votes)I do not give books over the holidays.