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Are you planning to read GO SET A WATCHMAN, a sequel (of sorts) to Harper Lee’s TO KILL A MOCKINGBIRD, releasing July 14th? Are you planning to re-read MOCKINGBIRD before you read WATCHMAN?

Survey expired 07/09/15
Total voters: 669

Are you planning to read GO SET A WATCHMAN, a sequel (of sorts) to Harper Lee’s TO KILL A MOCKINGBIRD, releasing July 14th?

 35% (231 votes)Yes, as soon as it releases
 41% (271 votes)Yes, sometime after it releases
 15% (103 votes)No
 10% (64 votes)Maybe

Are you planning to re-read TO KILL A MOCKINGBIRD before you read GO SET A WATCHMAN?

 31% (207 votes)Yes
 38% (255 votes)No
 17% (113 votes)That is a good idea!
 4% (27 votes)I have not read TO KILL A MOCKINGBIRD, but will do so before reading GO SET A WATCHMAN.
 2% (11 votes)I have not read TO KILL A MOCKINGBIRD and do not plan on doing so before reading GO SET A WATCHMAN.
 8% (56 votes)I am not planning to read GO SET A WATCHMAN.