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Rosie Maloney


Rosie Maloney

Rosie Maloney

Books by Rosie Maloney

by Regina Calcaterra and Rosie Maloney - Memoir, Nonfiction

They were five kids with five different fathers and an alcoholic mother who left them to fend for themselves for weeks at a time. Yet, through it all, they had each other. Rosie, the youngest, is fawned over and shielded by her older sister, Regina. But when Regina discloses the truth about her abusive mother to her social worker, she is separated from her younger siblings, Norman and Rosie. And as Rosie discovers after Cookie kidnaps her from foster care, the one thing worse than being abandoned by her mother is living in Cookie’s presence. Beaten physically, abused emotionally, and forced to labor at the farm where Cookie settles in Idaho, Rosie refuses to give in.