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Greg Monette


Greg Monette

Greg is a Ph.D. candidate in biblical studies at the University of Bristol. He is the Canadian Marketing Representative for Logos Bible Software and the author of THE WRONG JESUS. He is also a speaker who specializes in New Testament history and the origins of Christianity.

He is also an adjunct lecturer at Acadia Divinity College where he teaches graduate level courses relating to the study of the New Testament.

His latest book, THE WRONG JESUS, aims to put right some of the misguided portraits of Jesus floating around in contemporary culture. The purpose of the book is to outline a basic foundation by which high school and college students, as well as laypeople, can understand how historians come to conclusions about the historical Jesus. THE WRONG JESUS also shows how the basic Christian beliefs concerning Jesus can be defended when Jesus is studied in his historical context.

Greg is currently writing his doctoral dissertation in New Testament through the University of Bristol (Trinity College) in the United Kingdom. His dissertation is on the burial of Jesus and ancient Jewish burial practices. He is a student member of the Society of Biblical Literature.

Greg is a deeply passionate Canadian hockey fan who loves to read, travel, and spend time with his best friend and wife, Julie.

He resides in Halifax, Nova Scotia and would love to connect with you on Twitter, Facebook, or LinkedIn.

Greg Monette

Books by Greg Monette

by Greg Monette - Christian, Nonfiction, Religion & Spirituality

In a world where atheism is a growing movement, especially in the university setting, it’s typical for students today to face doubts about the Christian faith. In fact, many have wondered at one time or another if the Bible stories about Jesus could possibly be true. Now students can join Greg Monette as he explores the fascinating basis for belief in the biblical Jesus.