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Emily Croy Barker


Emily Croy Barker

Emily Croy Barker spent almost 20 years as a journalist and had great fun turning her writing skills to fiction to produce THE THINKING WOMAN'S GUIDE TO REAL MAGIC, her first novel. A graduate of Harvard University, she is currently the executive editor at The American Lawyer magazine, where she oversees international coverage. She lives in New Jersey.

Books by Emily Croy Barker

by Emily Croy Barker - Fantasy

Nora Fischer’s dissertation is stalled, and her boyfriend is about to marry another woman. During a miserable weekend at a friend’s wedding, Nora wanders off and walks through a portal into a different world where she is transformed from a drab grad student into a stunning beauty. But her new fantasy world eventually turns darker, and when a passage home finally opens, Nora must weigh her “real life” against the dangerous power of love and magic.