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Adele Griffin


Adele Griffin

Adele Griffin is the acclaimed author of over 30 books. Her works include National Book Award Finalists SONS OF LIBERTY and WHERE I WANT TO BE. She lives with her husband, Erich, their two sons, a cat named Toby and a dog named Gertrude, in Los Angeles, California.

Books by Adele Griffin

by Adele Griffin - Fiction, Women's Fiction

At I'll Have Seconds, a high-end fairy tale vintage dress shop in Manhattan, Nora Hammond loves nothing better than pairing a rare find with the perfect client. At home, Nora grapples with the bleaker reality of enormous debt, a tiny apartment, and an ever-dwindling hope that she and her husband, Jacob, will have a family of their own. When socialite Evelyn Elliot charges into Nora's life, the women spark an immediate connection, and Nora is jettisoned into the heady whirl of New York's moneyed elite. As Evelyn's stylist and confidante, Nora needs to learn all-new rules of engagement for the uber-wealthy. But it isn't until Evelyn decides her next cause is to carry a baby for Nora that these rules --- and this unlikely friendship --- are tested.

by Adele Griffin - Fiction, Psychological Suspense, Psychological Thriller, Suspense, Thriller, Young Adult 12+

There was an accident. Ember knows at least that much. She was driving. The car was totaled. She suffered back injuries and brain trauma. But she is alive. That's the only thing left she can cling to. She can't even remember the six weeks of her life leading up to the accident. Where was she going? Who was she with? And what happened during those six weeks that her friends and family won't talk about?

by Adele Griffin - Fiction, Psychological Suspense, Thriller, Young Adult 12+

When 17-year-old Jamie arrives on the idyllic island of Little Bly to work as a summer au pair, she is stunned to learn of the horror that precedes her. Seeking the truth surrounding a young couple's tragic deaths, Jamie discovers that she herself looks shockingly like the dead girl --- and that she has a disturbing ability to sense the two ghosts. As the secrets of the house wrap tighter around her, Jamie must navigate the increasingly blurred divide between the worlds of the living and the dead.

by Adele Griffin and Lisa Brown - Historical Fiction, Mystery, Supernatural, Young Adult 14+

Jennie feels the tingling presence of something unnatural in the house now that Will is dead. As Jennie seeks the truth, she finds herself drawn ever deeper into a series of tricks and lies, secrets and betrayals, and begins to wonder if she had every really known Will at all.